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glycine max造句

"glycine max"是什么意思  
  • Rapid detection of imported genetically modified soybean glycine max with mpcr
  • The effects of uv - b on vigna radiata , glycine max and vigna angularis
  • The approach on the superiority of growing glycine max by the way of hill - agroforestry system in shiping county
  • Relationship between chloride tolerance and polyamine accumulation in glycine max , glycine soja , and their hybrid seedlings
  • Tissue culture of soybean ( glycine max l ) and stem mustard ( brassica juncea mao ) in vitro and genetic transformation of soybean by agrobacterium tumefaciens were studied in this experiment
  • Isoflavones of soybean ( glycine max ( l . ) merri . ) form a group of distinct secondary metabolites in soybean especial in seeds , which we paid much attention because of its biological functions
    大豆异黄酮( isoflavonesofsoybean )是大豆体内,特别是种子中积累的一类次生代谢产物,由于它具有多种的生物学功能而倍受人们的关注。
  • Dreb - type transcription factors can accept stress signals from environment and promote the expression of stress - tolerant genes . four dreb homolog genes , gmdreba , gmdrebb , gmdrebc and osdreb4 - 2 were isolated from soybean [ glycine max ( l . ) merr . ]
    Dreb类转录因子能接受逆境信号并启动逆境应答基因的表达。在本研究中,以大豆和水稻为材料,共克隆了4个dreb的同源基因,分别命名为gmdreba , gmdrebb , gmdrebc和osdreb4 - 2 。
  • Fifty nine accessions of soybean [ glycine max ( l . ) merr . ] of 301 ones from huanghuaihai and middle - lower changjiang valleys were tested at seedling stage in two years for their drought tolerance by using the mean membership index value averaged over those of plant height , leaf number , root dry weight , stem and leaf dry weight . 4 tolerant accessions ( rank 1 ) and 2 sensitive ones ( rank 5 ) were identified
    摘要从301份大豆品种中按根系类型选取黄淮海和长江中下游地区代表性材料59份,在苗期干旱胁迫和非胁迫条件下对地上部和地下部性状进行2年重复鉴定,发现材料间性状隶属函数值具有丰富遗传变异,以株高、叶龄、根干重和茎叶干重隶属函数的算术平均数为抗旱综合指标,从中筛选出汉中八月黄、晋豆14 、科丰1号、圆黑豆等强耐旱型( 1级)材料和临河大粉青、宁海晚黄豆等干旱敏感型( 5级)材料。
  • It's difficult to see glycine max in a sentence. 用glycine max造句挺难的
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